Time: 6PM-9PM; Thursday, May 15th, 2014
Location: InnoSpring; 2901 Tasman Dr., Suite 107, Santa Clara, CA 95054
Siri is a household name. It is an intelligent personal assistant integrated into the iPhone that lets you use your voice to send messages, schedule meetings, place phone calls, reply to emails, check the weather, and more.
Tech in Motion Silicon Valley is overjoyed to have a founder of Siri speak at our Tech Talk Event. Adam Cheyer was a founder and the VP Engineering of Siri, Inc. After Apple acquired the company, he became the Director of Engineering in Apple’s iOS group. Adam was also a member of the founding team at Change.org and a founder of Genetic Finance. As a researcher in Artificial Intelligence at SRI International, he authored more than 70 publications and 10 patents and was the Chief Architect of CALO, the largest AI project in US history. Adam graduated with highest honors from Brandeis University and received the “Outstanding Masters Student” from UCLA’s School of Engineering.
Adam’s path to entrepreneurship is a little different than most Silicon Valley examples. In his 40’s, never having started a company before, he enacted a plan to take multiple ideas into the world at the same time. While fulfilling a portfolio of his personal goals of exploring his passion for technology, making a positive impact in the world, and earning some money, Adam co-founded three different companies to make breakthroughs in several technical spaces:
- Human to Machine — Siri, Inc.
- Human to Human — Change.org
- Machine to Machine — Genetic Finance
In this talk, Adam will discuss findings and stories from his entrepreneurial experiences, and give views on innovation, growth, impact and more.
In 2007, Adam simultaneously co-founded Siri, Inc., Change.org, and Genetic Finance. As a startup, Siri won the Innovative Web Technologies award at SXSW, and was chosen a Top Ten Emerging Technology by MIT’s Technology Review. Change.org is an international community of 50M+ members who fight for what’s right by shining a spotlight on issues relating to environment, human rights, food, education, poverty, and justice. Genetic Finance distributes machine learning algorithms across more than 1.5M+ CPUs to discover novel solutions to complex problems.
6:00pm - 6:45pm: Food, Beverages, & Networking
6:45pm - 8:15pm: Presenter, Adam Cheyer
8:15pm - 9:00pm: More Networking